[TRANS] Hyoyeon SONE ROOM Q&A 130628

Q: If you weren’t a singer, what would you be doing now?

A dancer who can dance no matter what the dance or genre!  A job connected to my favorite dances and music is as expected a good thing.

Q: What is your source of energy?

Travelling and exercising!

I get motivated by going out to several places and gain energy by relaxing.

Among exercising I enjoy golf, horse back riding and riding a bike. Moving my body is my source of energy!

Q: It became hot! I think everyone is busy, but what do you want to do in summer?

I want to go to South East Asia and play by the sea all day long. I want to swim in the beautiful sea and do marine sports.

Translation: arghninja@soshified.com, Kkabbekky@soshified.com, redsunset@soshified.com

Read translations for Jessica and Yoona here